Nanton called to the Bar
May 17, 2011

Nanton called to the Bar

Having had to endure the emotional battle of leaving her two young children to pursue studies in 2006, this country’s newest Barrister-at-Law, Bernadene Nanton, said it was the love and inspiration from her children that helped her to complete her goal.{{more}}

On Monday, May 16, Nanton was admitted to the Local Bar to practise as a Barrister and Solicitor. Attorney Nicole Sylvester presented her application to the court, while Patina Knights seconded her call.

The daughter of Cecelia Jewett, Nanton graduated from the University of Buckingham with Upper Second Class honours. She then completed the Bar Vocational Course at the College of Law, Birmingham.

In court, Nanton thanked her mother for taking care of her son, Kai, 14, and daughter, Alidine, 4, while she pursued studies in England. Nanton said she left her daughter at the tender age of four months old, and her son when he was only 10. She noted that it was difficult for her because she had never been away from her son for any period longer than a month.

Having worked at the St. Vincent Building and Loan Association, Nanton obtained a scholarship from that institution to further her studies. The former Girls’ High School (GHS) student openly thanked the Board of Directors, management and staff at Building and Loan for affording her the opportunity to pursue her dream.

Nanton also said she felt honoured to have been trained at Sylvester’s chambers at the Caribbean International Law Firm.

Stating that her studies was no walk in the park, Nanton recalled long nights, filled with tedious assignments. “My nights consisted of little or no sleep; piles and piles of books were my closest friend, but I endured,” she said.

Despite experiencing homesickness at times, Nanton said the desire to be reunited with her children reminded her not to give up. “I had to endure the emotional stress of being away from my young family, but I did not give up,” she recalled.

She noted that she was extremely happy when she received the news that her son had done well in the Common Entrance examinations and gained entry into the St. Vincent Boys Grammar school.

In presenting her application, Sylvester described Nanton as an extremely courageous woman. Sylvester noted that while being pupil barrister at Caribbean International Law Firm, Nanton displayed a willingness to learn. She also said that Nanton embarked upon her career at a point in her life when she is the mother of two young children. Sylvester noted that Nanton must be commended for achieving her goal.

Justice Gertel Thom advised the young barrister to remain humble, since her journey as a lawyer has just begun. Thom urged Nanton to be a leader and contribute to the community in any way she can. Thom reminded Nanton that she has a duty to her client and also to the legal professional.

New president of the Local Bar Association, Dr. Linton Lewis also gave congratulatory remarks.