VENVIFA offically launched
May 13, 2011

VENVIFA offically launched

The Venezuelan Vincentian Friendship Association (VENVIFA) was officially launched on Saturday, May 7, at a ceremony held at the Peace Memorial Hall.{{more}}

The newly formed organization is hoping to establish closer ties between the people of the two nations, says Angella ‘Ideisha’ Jackson, the Association’s Vice President.

“The establishment of the organization is considered a logical step in bridging the gap between the peoples, given the link between the people of both countries,” Jackson said.

She further explained that unity and integration were the key words of the Association, with the focus being not solely on Venezuela, but on all of Latin America.

The process started with a series of meetings held earlier this year, and on April 13, several citizens from Venezuela and St.Vincent and the Grenadines signed the agreement to establish the Association.

President of VENVIFA Mike Browne in his presentation outlined the various relationships that already existed between the two countries, that was government to government, party to party, and now added to that list would be people to people.

It was noted that the original inhabitants across the region journeyed from the Orinoco Basin,which is present day Venezuela.

And Browne spoke of the migratory periods between Vincentians and Venezuelans, which would have taken place during the 20th century.

“So in a sense we can say that South American and Vincentian blood is flowing in the veins of all Vincentians,” Browne explained.

He further stated that it was this link that was the inspiration to start the Association and to look to strengthen the existing links.

Today, the government of Venezuela has contributed significantly to the development of the country, Browne said, and it was in that context that the Association was set up.

Of the benefits that are expected to come forth with the setting up of the Association are twinning of schools, fostering people to people linkages and other exchanges, including cultural.

Browne noted that the Association will be working closely with the electronic and print media to disseminate information in an effort to stem the propaganda that feeds the public.

Yoel Perez Marcano, Ambassador of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, said that the motive behind the establishment of the Association was special.

“After 30 years of relations with our countries today, we are seeing the birth of an organization that represents the friendship between the two countries,” Marcano said.

He explained that relations have been ongoing since this country gained independence from Britain and that within recent times these relations have been strengthened.

In fact, the first embassy to be set up in this country, according to the Ambassador, was the Venezuelan.

“And from this moment we have maintained a relationship of solidarity and cooperation,” he said.

The ambassador further explained that despite the relations that the two countries currently enjoy, it was the people to people relations that they valued the most.

A constitution has been set up as well as an executive : Mike Browne (President), Angella ‘Ideisha’ Jackson (Vice President), Jacqueline Huggins (Secretary), Norellys Villanueva (Treasurer), Shevern Richards (Assistant Secretary Treasurer) and Kafi Rose (Public Relations Officer).

There are also two committee members, Azucena Williams and Pavel Perez Vasquez.