Phil-Ann’s hard work wins her LIME award
May 6, 2011

Phil-Ann’s hard work wins her LIME award

Telecommunication company LIME has teamed up again with the Ministry of Education to reward students from primary and secondary schools for scholastic achievements in the May/June 2010 CSEC and Common Entrance examinations.{{more}}

Among the many students receiving awards was 18-year-old Phil-Ann John, a former student of the St. Joseph’s Convent Mesopotamia.

John copped the LIME award for the Student with the Best Results after Remediation. For her outstanding performance, John received the coveted trophy, along with a Lenovo Desktop computer and one year FREE 8Meg Internet, compliments LIME.

From its inception, LIME has placed this event into its yearly sponsorship calendar.

To this end, General Manager Angus Steele said “We have again placed this sponsorship in our yearly calendar, since it fits nicely with our core elements for sponsorship and our commitment to our youth and the communities we serve. Additionally one of our targets via our 5C’s for our company across the Caribbean is for the work we do in the community, where education is a key initiative.

“Along with education, culture and sports have also been placed firmly on our calendar. Recently we made a significant contribution of $500,000 to rebuild the Georgetown community hit by rain storms. We continue to support our biggest cultural festival Vincy Mas. These commitments are all important to youth development. However, we still await the Ministry rewarding the teacher with the best results in future ceremonies, since this can set up competition among other teachers, and believe me, competition brings out the best in all of us.”

John was registered as a student at the St. Joseph’s Convent Mesopotamia from September 2005 until July 2010, when she graduated. During this time she progressed to the Fifth Form and was registered for 10 subjects at CXC/CSEC in the May/June 2010 Examinations. She obtained passes in all 10 subjects comprising Chemistry, English A, Math, Physics, Geography, Biology, Art, IT, Agriculture Single Award and Agriculture Double Award.

During her tenure at St. Joseph Convent, she won many Art competitions and she boasts of being able to work with all forms of art.

A news release from LIME stated that her conduct and decorum were more than satisfactory.

“Her overall attendance and punctuality records were good. Phil-Ann enjoyed a good relationship with her peers and her teachers alike. Phil-Ann presently attends the Community College and is hoping to pursue a career in Pediatric Medicine.

John was pleased to receive the award and commented, “I am grateful for this LIME General Manager’s Award and this will serve as motivation for me to overcome any obstacles in my way to get my goals. I had to go through the process of remediation to get this far and nothing can stand in my way. I will like to especially thank Sister Jacintha Wallace for encouraging me.”

The Management and Staff of LIME extend congratulations to the Ministry of Education, teachers and students who continue to take advantage of the Education Revolution. This year’s awards saw over 127 students receiving awards for Commendable Performance after Remediation, meaning these students passed five or more subjects, representing an increase of 144 percent.