St. Vincent and the Grenadines signs firearm Agreement
April 29, 2011

St. Vincent and the Grenadines signs firearm Agreement

St. Vincent and the Grenadines has become the seventh Member State of the Organisation of American States (OAS) to sign a cooperation Agreement for Firearms marking in Latin America and the Caribbean.{{more}}

On Friday, April 15, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of St. Vincent and the Grenadines to the OAS, H.E. La Celia A. Prince, and Secretary General of the OAS, H.E. José Miguel Insulza, signed the cooperation agreement which aims at curbing the illicit trafficking and use in criminal activity of firearms in the hemisphere. Among those present at the signing ceremony was Steven Costner of the U.S. State Department’s Office of Weapons Removal and Abatement.

The funding for purchase of the firearms marking machine and the training of the personnel to use the equipment are both being provided by the United States government. However, the overall implementation of the project will be executed by the OAS Department of Public Security.

As explained by Secretary General Insulza: “We aim to provide 30 countries with marking equipment, training and computer aid necessary for proper record- keeping of the weapons that they mark, and that are traded illegally.”

In thanking the United States and the OAS for spearheading the collaborative exercise, Ambassador Prince highlighted the importance of such an initiative, noting that while St. Vincent and the Grenadines does not manufacture weapons, the majority of all homicides in the country were gun-related. “This goes to show the prevalence of the illicit trafficking in firearms. As a multi-island State, our borders are porous, and it is thus easier for such weapons to be trafficked illegally. However, with the use of this new facility to mark the firearms that come into our country, and by tracing them, we believe that we will be able to stem the source of the problem. The initiative will advance our multilateral efforts for citizen security in St. Vincent and the Grenadines and in this hemisphere,” said the Ambassador.

The initiative is regarded as building upon a Memorandum of Understanding agreed by CARICOM Heads and the United States government in 2007 for cooperation in combatting the illicit trade in small arms, light weapons and ammunition in the region. Last Friday’s specially convened signing ceremony at the OAS Headquarters also saw the Ambassador of St. Kitts and Nevis signing a cooperation agreement on behalf of her country. Other OAS Member States are also expected to sign similar agreements in the near future.