Students encouraged to P.L.A.Y with their lives
April 21, 2011

Students encouraged to P.L.A.Y with their lives

The 2011 fifth formers of the Girls’ High School (GHS) have been encouraged to P.L.A.Y with their lives. Executive Director of the National Insurance Services Reginald Thomas explained the dynamics of proper P.L.A.Y during the school’s fifth form retreat.{{more}} The retreat took place at the Tropic Breeze Hotel at Queen’s Drive on Friday, April 15.

Thomas creatively broke down key essentials to planning life in the acronym P.L.A.Y, explaining to the girls how each aspect is important.

The first aspect, Thomas related, was to carefully plan your life as it determines the quality of life that you will have. Thomas added that planning ensures that you have a life that you desire. “The quality of life you will have and will enjoy will be enhanced.” Thomas said.

He added that planning involves a discipline, so that the steps that are taken today will enhance the future. He also encouraged the girls to start saving and investing their money, in order to build a better future for themselves.

Leverage, another aspect of PLAY, Thomas said, is about being an influential person. He encouraged the girls to positively enhance the lives of those that they associate with, as well as enhance the choices that they make. He urged the girls to act in their “sphere of influence” to impact the persons around them.

The girls were also urged to use Assessment skills when planning their life. Thomas stated that they should assess their opportunities that are presented to them and to process how and when they are going to say no or yes. He added that the girls must assess how responsible and dignified they are going to be. Thomas related that from your assessment, you will be able to have a Yardstick, a measuring rod for life.

He encouraged the girls to take time out to P.L.A.Y, as it determines the outcome of their lives, how influential they are going to be in the future.(OS)