Lodge Village Gov’t School holds Reading Extravaganza
March 4, 2011

Lodge Village Gov’t School holds Reading Extravaganza

In Keeping with the policy of the Ministry of Education of “NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND”, Reading has been the focus of the Lodge Village Government School over the last few years. It is one of the school’s goals to have every child reading at his/her grade level or above.{{more}} This focus was intensified during the week February 21 – 25, 2011, as the school held its annual Reading Extravaganza under the theme ‘Remembering the past : Read to make it last.’

The grades were given different stories of the past to focus on – Grades K and 1 – fairy tales and Bible stories, Grade 2 – Anansi Stories; Grade 3 -folk tales, Grade 4 – Jumbie stories ; Grade 5 – Fables and Grade 6 – Legends.

At a rally held at the school on the Monday, the students, parents, teachers and villagers heard addresses from the Headteacher, the Literacy Coordinator – Shirla John, Education Officer – Mavis Findlay and Area Representative – St. Clair Leacock. All of these speakers stressed the importance of learning to read and the benefits which can be derived from being a good reader. The villagers were also encouraged to make use of the opportunity provided by the school to attend Adult Literacy classes. English, Maths and Social Studies are taught at the Form 3 level. The rally was preceded by a march from the school through the village, as the students, teachers and parents chanted and displayed slogans about reading so as to make the villagers aware of their quest. These slogans included: ‘Today a reader, tomorrow a leader’; ‘Knowledge is power. Get Knowledge – READ’; and ‘Reading keeps you out of violence, crime and poverty’.

Tuesday was a day that will be forever etched in the minds of some of the students who visited some of the homes of the elderly and preschools in the neighbourhood. These visits were well appreciated, and it was heart-warming to have the children blessed by some of the elderly. So impressed were the teachers and students, that they plan to make it a monthly activity.

On Wednesday, it was open day, where everything was focussed on Reading. The parents were invited to read for the children, the Headteacher and Reading Coordinator visited every class to read for them, the juniors read for the seniors, there was paired reading and many other reading activities. The students thoroughly enjoyed the Reading Treasure Hunt. Thursday saw the students being involved in relating writing to reading – they were engaged in writing poetry and slogans.

At 6:30 p.m that evening, over 130 parents and students gathered at the school for Movie night. The film “Gifted Hands” was shown. At the end of the movie, the focus was on the poor, single parent who was determined that her child must be able to read. She encouraged him and stood with him. That child became one of the world’s greatest neuro-surgeons, Ben Carson. Parents expressed their desire to be like that mother. So moved were some of the parents by this film that some of them will be showing it at their various churches and organisations.

The week of activities culminated on Friday with the parade of the hats, presentations in a variety of forms – plays, songs, reading, poems and a grand exhibition. Generally, the week was termed a success, and already, teachers, students and parents are planning for next year.