VINLEC donates 200 books to BGS
February 25, 2011

VINLEC donates 200 books to BGS

The students of the Buccament Government School (BGS) have had 200 books added to their library collection.{{more}}

The books were a donation from the St. Vincent Electricity Services Ltd. (VINLEC) . The books were handed over to the school during a ceremony on Tuesday, February 22, 2011.

Making remarks during the ceremony, Headteacher of the School Artis Robinson stated that VINLEC became involved in the library project after past student of the BGS and the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of VINLEC Thornley Myers, who was also the featured speaker at the school’s 2008 graduation, became interested in assisting the school with the project.

Robinson, thanking VINLEC for their significant contribution, added that they are welcome to assist the school in any other project they might undertake.

Emphasizing the importance of reading as essential to academic progress, Robinson also stated that it is the goal of the teachers at the BGS to create true readers among the students. “A reader is not just someone who can read, but who wants to read, someone who does read,” Robinson said, adding that reading enhances the students’ writing ability. The theme for the school’s literacy month Robinson said is “To write is our delight.” He added that the school wishes to expose the children to as much reading as possible and wishes the library to be utilized by all students and teachers.

Also giving remarks, CEO of VINLEC Thornly Myers expressed how pleased he was in assisting his former school in their project and giving back to a community that played a vital part in his development. Myers said that he was also pleased that VINLEC is playing a part in the ‘Educational transformation’ that is on going in the country by providing books for students. “We believe the foundation of Education is numeracy and literacy,” Myers said, adding that the books donated cater for ages 5-13.

Myers also encouraged the audience of students to get into the habit of reading. He also encouraged the parents to read along with them. He added that VINLEC is willing to offer further assistance to the school. He, however, challenged the students to take care of the books and use them well.

Remarks were also made by Communications Manager of VINLEC Tamara Job-Sprott who also encouraged the students to be good readers and writers and to excel in their academics.

The ceremony also featured a cultural item and reading done by the students of the school.(OS)