‘Daddy Pal’ celebrates his 106th Birthday
February 18, 2011

‘Daddy Pal’ celebrates his 106th Birthday

At age 106, Frederick Beache has it all in tact.

Well, almost.

Despite his poor hearing and failing vision, Beache, also known as Daddy Pal and Dr. Kimberly, says that he has what is needed most to keep him going: a relationship with God and family.{{more}}

Surrounded by his children, grandchildren and other relatives and friends last Wednesday, February 9, at his Campden Park home, Daddy Pal gave God thanks for his long life, acknowledging that God is the one who determines if he would celebrate another birthday.

“From my young days come up, I been living with the Lord, because I partly come up in the church. The church was short of servers, and I was a server since I was a little boy (in Bequia) and I never gave up my church.”

With a memory as sharp as or even sharper than some of the younger persons in the room, Beach recounted stories of his early life, speaking of his life in the Anglican Church, his profession as a carpenter, magician, mason or basket weaver, believing that if he was in his village in Greggs where he spent most of his life, he would have still been busy doing something with his time.

Daddy Pal still likes to remain active, and according to his daughter Verna Shallow, with whom he resides, he does almost everything for himself and is full of life.

“Daddy loves life,” she said to the agreement of the other family members in the room. “He is always happy and optimistic, never sad and depressed. He is happy and content. His life has been a rounded life.”

When asked about what he would say to others if they would like to reach a ripe old age as his, Daddy Pal advised that the younger ones should live together and show love and respect for each other.

“He also advised that the habit of smoking and drinking should be kicked, as he did years ago.

Still with a sense of humor, Daddy Pal joked that at his youthful stage in life and with a single tooth, his favorite food is anything soft that would not have any harsh effect on his ‘baby’ stomach.

When asked if he is looking forward to celebrating more birthdays, Frederick Beache said that that was not an answer for him to give; he leaves that up to God.

“I can’t tell you no or yes for that… only He one knows that. I trust in him. If he says I have to go I have to go. It’s all in his hands now. If it is his will you will come (back next year).”

Daddy Pal spent the day welcoming well wishers. He was feted with a birthday party on Saturday in his hometown of Greggs.(JJ)