Samuel makes donation in memory of Park Hill patriach
September 24, 2010

Samuel makes donation in memory of Park Hill patriach

“Hynford Ryan was a leader and visionary who made learning fun. He used the correct approach which included providing incentives and creating friendly competitions among students.”{{more}}

These sentiments were expressed by former Park Hill Government School student and teacher Winfield Samuel while addressing last Friday’s assembly of the Park Hill Government School.

Samuel was at the time donating a consignment of library and school supplies to the school. These included personalized books, pens and pencils in memory of Park Hill patriarch Hynford Ryan, whose life was violently snatched from him on the eve of National Heroes Day 2008. In a nostalgic journey down memory lane, Ryan’s virtues were vividly brought to life by Samuel and former teaching mate Robert “Robby” Williams.

Hynford Ryan, a former headteacher, was described as a man ahead of his time. His herculean contribution towards education and the development of the Park Hill community has prompted numerous calls for the school to be named in his memory. The library supplies consist mainly of literature that promotes attitude adjustments and personal development. The school’s headteacher, Sydney “Dave” Pereira, expressed gratitude on behalf of the school and promised that Samuel’s good deeds will be honored under his watch.

Samuel’s immediate wish is to see the students continue to use education as a priority, since “it is the threshold to a fulfilled life.” He further challenged the students gathered to “..…develop your mental capacity in order to make wise career choices and other life’s decisions!”

However, Samuel lamented that the present education system is too restrictive, thereby limiting students’ exposure to experiment and discover their world. He also emphasized the need to expand students’ knowledge level, especially in the area of critical thinking.

Winfield Samuel taught at the Park Hill Government School alongside his mentor Hynford Ryan before migrating to the United States of America, where he is presently employed as a computer programmer. (Colin Haywood)