September 14, 2010

‘Interim measures outlined to Karib Cable remain’

The National Telecommunications Regulatory Commission (NTRC) will not proceed with the evaluation of the Karib Cable rate increase application until Karib Cable has fulfilled all of its obligations under the Telecommunications Act.{{more}}

A press release issued by the NTRC on Wednesday, September 8 said the NTRC received a response from the Eastern Caribbean Telecommunications Authority (ECTEL) over the last week, in which they were advised to take this course of action, and they have “decided to follow the advice of ECTEL”.

The NTRC is therefore advising the public that the interim measures outlined to Karib Cable on August 16, 2010 will remain in effect until further notice.

These measures are as follows:

1. That Karib Cable can proceed with the distribution of second (or multiple) boxes to customers. Such action would allow customers to have access to the basic package on the new digital system in additional rooms prior to (and after) the existing analog system is turned off.

2. These additional boxes will be distributed at this time on a rental basis of $50.00EC deposit and $10.00EC per month. This rental rate along with the relevant terms and conditions will be subject to review and approval by the NTRC.

3. Karib Cable will also make purchase options for boxes available within the next month. Customers who have taken boxes on the rental option will have the right to change a purchase option and have all fees paid to date on the rental option transferred to the purchase option. Purchase options would include full payment upfront as well as monthly payments over fixed periods.

4. The monthly cost for the basic Cable TV package remains at $74.75 Vat inclusive pending the completion of the evaluation of the rate increase application.

5. Customers are reminded that after the analog system is turned off on September 8, 2010, they will not be able to fully access the digital service in additional rooms without a box.