Welectricity still a top  contender in GE Challenge
September 3, 2010

Welectricity still a top contender in GE Challenge

Welectricity, an innovative, award-winning social network that helps users track and reduce their electricity consumption at home, is a top contender in the GE Ecomagination Challenge, a global search by one of the world’s largest companies for the best ideas in the world to help power the 21st century ‘smart grid’.{{more}}

The first round of the challenge is based on open voting, and Welectricity, the brainchild of Vincentian energy consultant Herbert A (Haz) Samuel, is now ranked in the top ten of over 1,500 ideas submitted to GE from all corners of the globe. Samuel is seeking votes from supporters to take Welectricity to the number one position by September 30, when the voting round ends.

The Ecomagination Challenge, backed by a US$200 million fund, was launched in July by GE, in collaboration with leading venture capital firms RockPort Capital, KPCB, Foundation Capital, and Emerald Technology Ventures. The challenge is the first step in a global commitment by GE and its partners to build an innovative clean energy future.