PSU presents five with Scholarships
September 3, 2010

PSU presents five with Scholarships

Winners of scholarships and bursaries from the Public Service Union (PSU) received cash payments in a brief ceremony on Thursday, August 26, 2010, at PSU headquarters at McKies Hill.{{more}}

Sixteen present scholarship holders each received an allowance of $75, which they are paid each term. This cash payment is in addition to school books, which they receive each year for five years.

The scholarship winners for 2010 are: T’keymah Williams, Breanne Burgin, Tahleze Marksman, Jolene Providence, Rhea John and Olrica King.

Twenty-one recipients of bursaries each received a one-off payment of $100.

Speaking at Thursday’s ceremony, Chairperson of the Education Committee, Candice Lewis, noted that PSU recognises the importance of education and continues to place great emphasis on it. She said an investment in the education of our youths is “an investment that will ultimately pay its dividends.”

Lewis urged the students to strive for excellence and to stay focused on their education. “…The greatest return you can give to the Union is to make a positive contribution to your own development and your country,” she noted.

PSU President Cools Vanloo commended their Education Committee for their work over the years and also implored the students to continue to strive for greatness.

Former scholarship holder and outstanding performer at this year’s CSEC examinations, Elizabeth Bullock, also advised the youngsters to stay focused and to maintain discipline.

Bullock recorded 12 passes with 11 grade ones at this year’s CSEC exams.