Digicel/Scotia giving back
August 27, 2010

Digicel/Scotia giving back

South Rivers resident Patrick Arrington has benefitted from the corporate combination of Digicel and the local branch of the Bank of Nova Scotia (Scotia Bank).{{more}}

Last Monday, August 23, Arrington collected a combined EC$1,000 as a result of his winning a Digicel and Scotia Bank promotion which ran from July 1 to July 28.

Persons were entered in the promotion when they topped up $15 or more or paid their bill on time. Arrington, who is 35 years old, received EC$500 from Digicel’s Country Manager Sonia Polius and EC$500 from Personal Banking Manager at Scotia Bank Kwame Mascoll. In an effort to get Arrington to join the Scotia family, Mascoll also opened for the lucky winner an account at Scotia Bank, doubled with a Scotia Debit Card.

“I am happy and thankful for the money,” said Arrington, who added that he will be using the money for a worthwhile purpose.

The short handing over ceremony was done at Digicel’s Corporate Offices in the Lewis Building on James Street.