August 13, 2010

Baptiste attends Women Parliamentarians forum

Minister of Urban Development and Culture René Baptiste is currently in Quito, Ecuador, attending the meeting of the Group of Women Parliamentarians of the Americas Inter- Parliamentary Forum of the Americas.{{more}}

The meeting is being held at the National Assembly of Ecuador where the Opening Ceremony will be addressed by Fernando Cordero Cueva, President of the National Assembly of Ecuador, Celine Hervieux-Payette, Senator of Canada and member of the Executive Committee of the Inter- Parliamentary Forum of the Americas (FIPA) and Linda Machuca Moscoso, member of the National assembly of Ecuador and chair of the Group of Women Parliamentarians of the Americas.

The meeting will deliberate on 6 Issues: The situation of women’s rights in the Hemisphere: A critical look at National Legislations; Women, Politics and Diversity; Sharing Best Practices: Assessing the Application of Positive Actions to improve Women’s Participation – The Case of Ecuador; Exercising Power: the Experience of a Woman Politician; Women in Politics and the Media: A Troubled Relation?; Challenges of the Group of Women Parliamentarians and next steps

The Event is being held under the theme: ‘Women in Power – Challenges for the 21st Century,” and runs for one week.