Dr. Cyrus is ‘Graduate of the Year’
July 13, 2010

Dr. Cyrus is ‘Graduate of the Year’

Retired Vincentian surgeon and former Deputy Governor General of St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Dr Cecil Cyrus was awarded {{more}} the coveted “Graduate of the Year” on Thursday, July 8, 2010 from Queen’s University Belfast.

The Graduate of the Year Award is made by Queen’s Graduates’ Association with the generous support from First Trust Bank.

Dr Cyrus attained five different qualifications from Queen’s University Belfast: Bachelor of Science (BSc), Bachelor of Medicine (MB), Bachelor of Surgery (BCH), Bachelor of the Obstetric Art (BAO) and Master of Surgery (MCH).

He was the first qualified surgeon to practice in St Vincent, returning home in 1963, dedicating his career to improve the standard of care and quality of life for the suffering and ill.

As the country’s first trained surgeon, he had to work across specialties, devoting long hours to clear the backlog of patients, pioneering and adapting medical equipment for use.

In 1983, he was awarded the OBE, Order of the British Empire and in 2002 was designated a “Local Health Hero” by the Pan American Health Organization. A commemorative stamp has featured his portrait. In 2003, he was awarded the CMG, Companion of the Most Excellent Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, for service in the field of medicine. The Caribbean Health Research Council last year recognised Dr Cyrus for “Outstanding Contribution to Health Research in the Area of Surgery”.

Dr Cyrus, has served as designated surgeon to HM Queen Elizabeth II and HRH Prince Philip on Royal visits to the Caribbean.

He has authored and presented over 47 peer reviewed scientific papers, compiling one of the largest collections of pathological specimens in the world. These are now on display in the museum in St Vincent which bears his name.

The nomination and support was provided by the Consulate of St. Vincent and the Grenadines in Northern Ireland, Professor Dame Ingrid Allen and Queen’s Development & Alumni Relations Department.

Dr Christopher Stange, Hon. Consul of St. Vincent and the Grenadines in Northern Ireland said: “On behalf of the Government of St. Vincent and the Grenadines and fellow Vincentians, it is an honour to see Dr Cyrus, a true statesman recognised for his efforts and bringing our countries closer together. We are currently exploring the possibility of establishing formal links between the University of West Indies and Queen’s University concerning areas of mutual interest.”