June 25, 2010

Villagers quick move may have saved lives in Murray’s Village

The alertness of truck driver Marlon John may have averted a major tragedy in the Murray’s Village community, where the usual peace and quiet was shattered by the sounds of gun shots last Saturday, June 19th.{{more}}

John and another individual escaped serious injury, while two others remained hospitalized following the shooting which occurred after 10 pm.

John, speaking to SEARCHLIGHT on Tuesday, was fortunate to only receive five pellet shots to his back, neck and head, while the individual he was speaking to was unhurt.

Two other men in the vicinity: Alwyn Matthews was shot in his right leg, while Curtis King received bullet wounds to both legs when they were fired at by three men.

According to John, he was having a conversation with a friend when a dark colored vehicle slowly drove past them going in the direction from Rockies to Kingstown.

“We didn’t pay it no mind, we were just there talking about politics and work, John said.

“While we were there, I observed three men coming from the direction where the car just went.

“As they got closer, I observed that they had handkerchief around their face.”

John said when he realized what was happening, he pulled his friend out of the way and attempted to jump over the wall on which they were sitting.

“By the time I get up and jump over the wall, I hear ‘BOW’… I just run down behind the house and stayed round there.”

John said that while hiding at the back of the house he heard three to four more shots.

After a while, John said he returned to the road to check on his friend. That is when he realized that Matthews and King had been hit.

John drove himself to the Milton Cato Memorial Hospital where he was treated and released, while the other men were taken by another vehicle.

John, who is thankful that his injuries were less serious than the other men, said to the best of his knowledge, he has no issues with anyone and does not think that he or any of the other men who were on the block were the targets.

He believes that the shooters were trying to send a message.

“In my opinion, whoever they were looking for, they didn’t see them and they just shoot up the block.

Police are investigating the incident.