North Union School Wins Bible Quiz
June 18, 2010

North Union School Wins Bible Quiz

Scriptural Search announces the winner of the Secondary School Bible Quiz for May 2010.{{more}}

She is Delicia Thomas of the North Union Secondary School. Delicia received her prizes from Edley Dunbar at the school on Monday 14th June, in the presence of the Deputy Principal Mrs. Anella Toby Roban and other students.

Her prizes consist of a Bible, $100 and a $50 gift-voucher redeemable at Acute Cosmetics.

The monthly Bible Quiz is an attempt to encourage more students to read the Bible, understand and apply it to their lives. It also promotes the use of various communication methods (newspaper, radio, postal services, email and text). It is opened to students from all secondary schools in SVG.

The quiz for June is taken from 2nd Thessalonians and submissions must be in by June 29.