RSVGPF adds new mobile unit  to its arsenal
June 11, 2010

RSVGPF adds new mobile unit to its arsenal

The latest addition to the Royal St. Vincent and the Grenadines Police Force has been commissioned for action. Last Thursday, June 3, Prime Minister Dr. Ralph Gonsalves joined senior police officials at the Old Montrose police Station{{more}} to welcome an EC $450,000 ‘Motorable’ police station to the fight against crime.

The station, apart from the contrast in size to the two other mobile units owned by the police force, is a self driven vehicle that can be used as a temporary station, which Commissioner of Police Keith Miller indicated would be posted at a moment’s notice, in areas which are, or can be considered, potential hot spots.

The Commissioner, while addressing the officials, placed high emphasis on the care of the vehicle, which he indicated will be managed by Sergeant Zaccheus Parris, a former driver to Prime Minister Gonsalves.

Miller said that the vehicle will greatly increase the proactive approach in the fight against crime.

Also addressing the gathering was the Prime Minister, who said that the new vehicle was just another of the necessary crime fighting tools that the Royal St. Vincent and the Grenadines Police Force has received with more to come.

Dr. Gonsalves hinted that a number of vessels were to be delivered to the Coast Guard in the near future.

The mobile station, he said, along with the refurbished, rebuilt and repaired police stations, as well as the increased educational and financial opportunities for police officers, are part of his government’s drive to develop a more modern and respectable police force.

The new vehicle boasts all of the amenities of a regular police station, though on a smaller scale.

These include an inner office, kitchen, toilet facilities, change room, generator and a television set.

Prime Minister Gonsalves indicated that the older two Mobile Police Units will be moved to Mayreau and Fancy to boost crime fighting in those areas.