April 30, 2010

JCI St. Vincent launches Malaria eradication campaign

JCI St. Vincent (formerly St.Vincent Jaycees) launched a campaign geared towards eradication of Malaria on Sunday, April 25, 2010, (World Malaria Day).{{more}}

The campaign dubbed – “Nothing but Nets Campaign” is a global campaign in the fight against Malaria with the aim being to acquire one million insecticide treated bed nets through targeted project and individual action.

Persons are required to donate a minimum of US$10 or the equivalent in EC Dollars in an effort to assist in acquiring the bed nets. Every US$10 donation to “Nothing But Nets” goes directly toward the purchase, distribution and education about the proper use of a long-lasting insecticide-treated bed net.

This project is part of the United Nations Millennium Development Goal 4 (MDG 4) – To reduce child mortality. The theme of this year’s commemoration is – “Everyone has power to help save lives. Send a Bed Net and Save a life today”. Specially marked envelopes can be collected from any JCI member.