April 23, 2010

Graduates Calypso Tent to hold meeting

The Graduates Calypso Tent, as it continues to gear up for the 2010 Calypso season, wil be engaging its cast at a special meeting at the Victoria Park on Tuesday, April 27, at 5:00 p.m.{{more}}

The meeting will discuss practice sessions, which are scheduled for May 11,13,18, and 20, in preparation for the first show, scheduled for May 22. On the meeting’s agenda are discussions on: promotion, status of members’ recordings, dress code for tent shows, sponsorship and other general matters for the Tent’s development.

A release from the tent’s Public Relations Officer Aubrey Burgin said the following calypsonians are expected to attend the meeting: Sulle, Lexi, Tajo, Sweet Sixteen, Bump-I, Black Messenger, Hero, Blakie, L’il Bit, Nubian Empress, Gumbsie Ginny, Thump-I, Bunny Rebel, Johnny-P, Ranking Mandy, Sonny Banks, Lady Diamond, Dready, Bosault, Wassy, Jessykayah, Ranking Sam, and Johnny Rebel.

“The Graduates Calypso Tent is dedicating this year to its many supporters,sponsors,well wishers and fans and patrons, who will be in for a very interesting and entertaining Calypso season for 2010, with an exceptional repetoire of calypsoes and extempo and picong from some interesting participants.”