Play your part. Don’t neglect!
April 16, 2010

Play your part. Don’t neglect!

A concern that too many young girls are being exploited by more mature males has been expressed by Director of the Save the Children Fund (VINSAVE), Janice Fraser.{{more}}

Fraser pointed out that such behaviour was most evident at the secondary school level, where young girls are manipulated by much older men in exchange for material possessions. The former Social Welfare and Probation Officer in the Social Welfare Department stressed that these adults tend to take advantage of the vulnerable and emotionally neglected in exchange for sexual favours.

Fraser stressed that it was critical for parents to not only provide for their children materially so that they would not look elsewhere for the things they needed, but that it was also essential to give them proper emotional support so that they would refuse the advances of males who would try to manipulate and take advantage of them.

The trained social worker also expressed concern with the number of youngsters who are becoming parents and articulated the desire to build a functioning centre where parents could drop by and get information, training and support on how to raise their children.

The mother of three pleaded with parents to continue to love and be honest with their children so that they could form good relationships and grow into confident and well-balanced adults. She also emphasized that it was essential for parents to teach children how to cope with the realities of life so that the demands of the real world not overwhelm them.

The Vinsave Director of for 20 years also pleaded with parents, particularly fathers, to adhere to the Convention of the Rights of the Child by ensuring that their offspring is properly cared for and nourished since an unhealthy childhood could affect their adulthood.

This country is celebrating Child Abuse and Prevention Month, under the theme “Give, Love and Respect, Play your Part Don’t Neglect.”