Jolene: I know I will walk again some day
April 16, 2010

Jolene: I know I will walk again some day

Doctors have told Jolene Charles what she hoped they never would. She may never walk again.{{more}}

Tomorrow will make four weeks since Charles, 23, of Edinboro has been bedridden at the Milton Cato Memorial Hospital.

On March 20, 2010, her boyfriend of seven years smashed a hammer twice in her head, beat her with a cutlass and plunged a screwdriver in her back, leaving her paralyzed from the waist down.

However, Charles is not daunted by what the doctors have said and remains hopeful that she will walk again. “I just have to have faith…I don’t believe what the doctors say and I know I will walk again some day,” Charles chimed with a smile on her face.

When SEARCHLIGHT visited Charles at the female surgical ward on Wednesday, she said that she still has no feelings in the lower part of her body and shared that she finds it frustrating to perform every task from her bed.

Reflecting on her horrific experience, Charles admitted that she does not hate her boyfriend but that she hates the predicament he has left her in. Charles said that she never expected such a thing to happen to her but explained that previously, whenever she and her boyfriend engaged in an argument, he would just walk away.

Tears welled up in Charles’ eyes when asked about how her children two children, ages six and three are doing without her. “It does be really hard when they come and visit and have to see me like this…it hurts me when they cry,” she bemoaned.

Since the incident, Charles admitted to studying the word of God more and was thankful to her mother for being at her beck and call while at the hospital. She also revelaed that the entire ordeal has left her with a different outlook on life and men in particular. “I don’t think I can go back into any relationship because of what has happened,” she said.

Charles is solicitiing the help of the public to pay for medical assistance in Grenada, which is estimated at $12,550. Persons wishing to assist Charles can make a donation to the National Commercial Bank, at account number 131900.

Meanwhile, her boyfriend, Shorn Carlon Craigg, remains on remand at Her Majesty’s Prison awaiting sentencing for unlawfully and maliciously wounding Charles. (KW)