April 9, 2010

GHS represented by student in Guadeloupe song competition

THE GIRL’S HIGH SCHOOL was proudly represented in a song competition in Guadeloupe by fifth former Leeoney Bentick.{{more}}

This competition is an annual event with participants coming from different parts of the Caribbean namely: The Dominican Republic, Haiti, Martinique, Guadeloupe, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago, Jamaica and for the first time St. Vincent and the Grenadines.

Although Bentick, the youngest participant, did not make it to one of the top 5 positions she made good on her presentation of Christina Auguillera’s song “You’re Beautiful.”

The Girls’ High School wishes to thank the National Lotteries Authority, Mira Commissiong, Latoya De Roche and Donna Clarke for assisting Leeoney with her participation in this premier event.