March 26, 2010

Passports says man born in two places

There seems to be some confusion as to the nationality of a man who holds Trinidadian and Vincentian passports.{{more}}

When Winston Hillocks, a national of Trinidad was hauled before the Serious Offences Court on Monday on drug possession charges, most of the attention shifted towards his passport issues. He pleaded not guilty to having 71.5 pounds of cannabis on March 14, 2009. Hillocks’ lawyer, Ronald Marks was at the time arguing bail for his client.

Prosecutor Inspector Nigel Butcher informed the court that the defendant came to these shores on January 17 and was given six months to stay in the country. After being picked up by the police on the drug matter, Hillocks explained that he was staying with his mother in Campden Park.

Butcher further added that checks were made to locate his mother in Campden Park but couldn’t find anyone by the name of Hillocks which was given to the police. “We are saying that if he get bail, he would not come back to court. He has a Trinidadian passport and identification card.

Butcher also found it strange that the defendant obtained a Vincentian passport after just two days of entering the state. Butcher said that the Vincentian passport revealed that Hillocks was born in Campden Park while the other passport showed that the defendant was born in Trinidad. “You can’t be born in two places,” Butcher chimed.

In requesting an adjournment, Butcher told the court that he wanted to get everything in his possession relating to the matter and that he was only going on the information provided to him by the Immigration Department.

Counsel Marks explained to the court that the defendant has Vincentian parentage and was issued with a Vincentian passport.

In response to both sides, Chief Magistrate Sonya Young said that the passport issue was a “bit troubling and she would keep the defendant in custody for a while. Young stated that she wanted to have a look at Hillocks’ birth certificate.

The matter was adjourned to March 31.