Lodge Village Gov’t reports on its reading week
March 19, 2010

Lodge Village Gov’t reports on its reading week

By June Russell,


The Lodge Village Government School held its Annual Reading Week of activities from Monday, March 8, to Friday, March 12, 2010.{{more}}

The theme for the week was – A Healthy Reading Diet Sustains Lifelong Learning.

The theme was divided into the following food groups:

Fruits and Vegetables representing Poetry and Drama – Grades K and 4;

Dessert representing Fiction and Fairytales – Grade 1;

Milk and Milk Products – Sports, music and hobbies – Grade 2;

Fish – Science and Maths – Grades 3 and 6 and

Soup with Meat – History and Current Issues – Grade 5

During the week, activities were planned which involved – parents, teachers and students.

On Monday morning, there was the launch of the activities, with students performing in drama, poetry, songs and reading. In the afternoon, parents were invited to the school to read for the students, while the English teachers participated in a workshop. The session was conducted by the teachers themselves. Practice teacher Nadia Windsor demonstrated the Literacy Block, using the Grade 2 students, while teachers Mrs. Daniel, Mrs. Barrow, Mrs. John and Mrs. Franklyn reminded the teachers of the rules of Spelling.

Tuesday the students were busy writing their essays and poems and making their posters on the importance of reading. Demonstration lessons were also done with the Grades 5 and 6 teachers. These sessions were conducted by Mrs. Natasha Kann, a deputy principal from Millbrook Combined School in Buckinghamshire, U.K. Teachers also focused on teaching Reading and Phonics. The highlight of this day was the meeting of the parents. Well over 150 parents attended this evening Session.

Wednesday was a day filled with Reading and reading-related activities. The children were engaged in the following – Treasure hunt, Silent Reading, paired reading, guided reading, visitation to the homes of the elderly and pre-schools to read for them, DEAR (Drop everything and Read), listening to lessons on Reading; preparing their speeches for the debate. A guest Reader, 5-year old Christine Branch, was invited to read for each class a book of their choice. During the evening the teachers went on their monthly visits to the village. This time they visited the parents in the Lodge Village area to get feedback from the parents and share tips about parental involvement and reading.

Reading activities continued on Thursday with the best readers from Grades 2-5 being rewarded with a trip to the Garifuna Exhibition which was held at the Old Public Library. There was also a quiz on St. Vincent and the Grenadines in respect of Heritage Month. A Staff Development session was held during the afternoon session with Natasha Kann sharing with the teachers’ best practices used in the U.K, especially in the area of Reading. This session was very well received by the teachers.

Friday saw the culmination of the week’s activities. The week ended as it began with presentations from the children in the form of drama, poetry, songs and reading, and there was an exhibition of the childrens’ work. Many hats were displayed bringing out the creativity of the students, teachers and parents. Each students was given a book, compliments the Lewis’ of Ross’ Bookstore. Reading and Debate competitions were also held during the afternoon session. The topic of the debate was: “Which is more nutritious Books or TV?” It was a very keenly contested debate, with the judges having a difficult time determining the winner. All winners will be given prizes compliments Pearson through their local representative –Byron Wilson.

The Headteacher and Staff wish to thank all those who helped to make the week a success, especially Natasha Kann, Management of Ross’ Bookstore, parents and students. We look forward to another year.