Kingstown Preparatory School gets innovative
March 5, 2010

Kingstown Preparatory School gets innovative

The Kingstown Preparatory School has been implementing innovative yet practical strategies to encourage its students to read.{{more}}

This according to Headteacher Morine Williams, who put some of these innovations on display last Friday, during the ‘Hats off to Reading’ exercise.

“We have been using strategies to encourage them [the students] to read more,” Williams said.

The physical structure of the school has also undergone a transformation with the reading centre converted into a full-fledged literacy centre.

The expansion of the school’s library and a new emphasis on the writing of book reports have proven useful in the school’s effort to ensure that students are reading proficiently.

Gailene Wickham, Literacy Coordinator, said that she has the support of the entire staff at the school and that they are very much a part of the success.

Their involvement in the project includes special focus on writing, and more emphasis has been put on the placement of reading matter on the walls of classrooms to foster an environment where the students are constantly coming into contact with reading material.