Stop breaking Mt. Coke Methodist’s windows!
January 29, 2010

Stop breaking Mt. Coke Methodist’s windows!

Elivra McDonald is calling on the person or persons responsible for breaking windowpanes at the Mt Coke Methodist Church to desist from doing it.{{more}}

McDonald told SEARCHLIGHT that two weeks ago, seven windowpanes were broken, and no one could explain how it happened.

“The Monday, we met only two of the windows broken, and the next day, we met five more shattered,” McDonald recalled.

The Ratho Mill resident, who has been traveling to Stubbs all her life to attend the church, stated that the whole ordeal began back in November 2009. At the time, four windowpanes were mysteriously broken. “We don’t know who is doing this… I don’t know if somebody has a grudge against the Church, but these windows are costing us money to repair,” she added.