January 29, 2010

Positive response to aid for Haiti

Hailed as the biggest concert that SVG has ever seen, the Artists in Solidarity with Haiti event has also been labeled a huge success.{{more}}

Speaking at a press conference at the National Emergency Management Organization (NEMO) headquarters on Tuesday, January 26, 2010, Director Howie Prince commented on the success of the show and the involvement of the Vincentian people. “The people of SVG have spoken and they have spoken in a loud voice…that voice has said we are sorry for the people of Haiti….”

Prince added that the concert netted a total of $32,981.32, Bottlers (St. Vincent) Ltd. donated a 20 foot container of water and Mountain Top Springs Ltd. gave 250 cases of water to the relief efforts.

Prince also stated that the National Commercial Bank account set up to receive donations for the Haitian people stands at $80,571.85. This money was handed over to the Red Cross. The money will be used to buy tents to be used as temporary shelters for the Haitian people. The money raised from the concert has been banked and will be handed over at a later date.

On Monday, February 1, 2010, a forty foot container filled with food and one 20 foot container with water will be sent to Haiti, via the Office of Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Management, Jamaica. Prince said that they will continue to send food as long as they have loaded containers. Karib Cable and RC enterprises have also donated a forty foot container load of food to be shipped to Haiti.

The artistes, producers and organizers and sponsors of the show were all commended on putting together a successful event.