January 29, 2010

Country music to be taken to next level!

THE Next Level Promotions group is on a mission to take country music in St. Vincent and the Grenadines to the next level.{{more}}

The Event Planner of the eight-year-old organization spoke to SEARCHLIGHT on Tuesday January 26, about the plans for this year.

Ardan Tannis, who is also an Inspector of Police, described the group’s activities, which include youth development programmes, community involvement and a focus on social issues such as HIV/AIDS.

Tannis explained that the organization intends to put country music on the national music agenda. Tannis said that they plan to promote country music as an alternative to other music such as the ‘Gaza’ and ‘Gully’ type music.

Tannis discussed why he believes the preference of country music is growing among youths. “We did an unscientific poll in Kingstown…what we found out was that there is a movement towards country music.” He added that CD vendors have said that more young people are purchasing country music.

The group has several activities planned for this year, including Country Music awards to promote the genre of music. There is also a Country Karaoke Idol which will take the format of the popular North American show “American Idol”.

Tannis explained that the show will be done on a radio station where persons will call in and sing a country song. They will then be judged by three persons. The finalists will compete in a show with the winner having a chance to record a track. Tannis said they hope to have the competition three times a year.

There is also a Valentine’s Dinner planned which will take place at the Pirates Cove at Lowmans Bay. Ten per cent of proceeds from the dinner will go toward the Haiti Relief fund. A candlelight vigil for HIV/AIDS victims is also scheduled to take place.

For more information on the organization persons can visit the website