Rose Bank is best village
January 22, 2010

Rose Bank is best village

The community of Rose Bank is now EC $75,000 better off after being judged the Vincy Homecoming 2009 Best Village.

The community’s winnings will, however, not take the form of cash.{{more}}

Ambassador Ellsworth John, head of the Regional Integration and Diaspora Unit (RIDU), the organizers of last year’s Vincy Homecoming exercise, said that the funds will be used for the development of a project in the community.

“What we will do is to see how, based on the development projects that they submit, if we can get matching funds from the government and the Diaspora for the implementation of these projects.”

“Rose Bank did a tremendous job in the organizing of the community throughout the year (2009). They were way ahead of everybody else and we would be pleased to work with them.”

Representing the Rose Bank Development Association, Errol Edwards said that he was both elated and excited with his community emerging at the top of more than 25 communities that were established or rejuvenated as part of Vincy Homecoming.

He said that hard work and dedication were reasons for their success.

“We in Rose Bank are always a force when it comes to culture.”

“From Fitz Hughes to Coulls Hill, we pulled off some activities and they were very exciting and successful,” he added.

“We had put a lot of effort into what we did. There were many challenges, but we all knew that with the help of the almighty God we would make it.”

Edwards thanked all members of the association, as well as the RIDU staff and the other community groups for their participation in the Vincy Homecoming exercise.

The community of Edinboro placed second in the competition, receiving funding for a $50,000 project in the process.

Park Hill, on the island’s Windward side, placed third for $25,000 worth of development funding.

John called on the communities to refrain from resting on their laurels for the great work done last year, saying the success or failure of Vincy Homecoming could not be measured on what was accomplished then, but rather on how RIDU and the organizers are able to sustain what was started.

“We have to work over the next few years to build on what we have started and we will try to support them (the community organizations) by putting certain things in place where possible.”

“We are looking forward to working with these community groups, and five years down the line we can talk about the accomplishments we have had in the interim.”

There are no plans by RIDU to host a Vincy Homecoming of Best Village Competition this year.