Designer coming with ‘Island Ice’ for 2010
December 23, 2009

Designer coming with ‘Island Ice’ for 2010

Designer Shellene Williams is putting party lovers on alert that in 2010 she will be coming with a bang with her latest creative line dubbed ‘Island Ice’.{{more}}

Williams is known in the local fashion industry for her trendy clothing designs, but for the past two years she has been exploring her versatility by channeling her energies into the creation of accessories such as earrings and necklaces.

This latest collection of accessories comes on the heels of Vincy Ice, which was launched in 2007.

“Island Ice shows that we are from the Caribbean. People think we have to do one kind of accessories. They think it has to be board or wooden, but while I like culture, I like my designs to have a little bling in it,” said Williams.

Williams, the mother of a baby girl named Suriya, said while she was pregnant in 2008, she had a lot of time on her hands and used the break to start the Island Ice collection.

While she explores the design and creation of accessories, Williams wants her customers to remember that the sewing machine remains her “number one friend”.

Viewing her beautiful accessories can leave one in awe. The dreadlocked designer told SEARCHLIGHT that she doesn’t draw her designs before making them.

“I don’t draw out a particular design. I pick certain colours and work from that. Sometimes the idea that I start out with is not what I end up with,” said Williams, with a broad smile.

Island Ice and other creations done by Williams can be viewed on FaceBook under Shellene Williams. She can be contacted at 528-6520.