December 18, 2009

Voices at Christmas in the Belmont community

Tomorrow, Saturday December 19, The Belmont Educational Development Community Organization (BEDCO) in collaboration with The Belmont Government School Parent Teacher Association (PTA) will present to the general public the first ever lighting up community concert dubbed “VOICES AT CHRISTMAS”{{more}}

An invitation is extended to the general public to witness spectacular performances of recital, singings, drama and renditions from church groups at the Belmont Government School Auditorium at 5pm. The grand finale will round off with the turning on of lights on the school compound and the newly-built lookout site.

Public Relations Officer of both the Belmont Educational Development Community Organization (BEDCO) and the Belmont Government School Parent Teacher Association (PTA) Javelle Frank says that although the Sion Hill Community will be hosting their annual lighting up event on the same day, they are very optimistic that this activity will be well attended and supported by well wishers.

A release from BEDCO said “For too long, people were passing off dull remarks that the Belmont community is boring, and some would even say Belmont community is not on the St. Vincent map. We the executives on both boards are strong and have a lot of courage to bring forth a concert of this caliber for the very first time.”

The students of the Belmont Government School had their Christmas concert on Wednesday, December 16, during which the different classes sang traditional and original songs for their own entertainment. Persons who attend tomorrow’s show will also get the opportunity to hear a few of the original pieces done by the students.

Belmont Educational Community Development Organizations (BEDCO) has the responsibility of co-management of the Belmont Lookout, which has had a very high degree of visitation on a regular basis since its inception.