Brownie camp in Dominica
August 14, 2009

Brownie camp in Dominica

Eighteen brownies from Brownie Packs throughout St. Vincent and the Grenadines recently returned from an eight-day camp in Dominica.{{more}}

The camp ran from Monday 20th to Tuesday 28th July and took place at Wotten Waven, a two hour drive from Melville Hall airport.

Camp Kalinago (so named after the indigenous people of the island) sought to provide its participants with a memorable and an exciting experience as well as the opportunity to learn about the history of the Kalinago people, the original inhabitants of the island.

The camp’s theme centred around the Carib / Kalinago people because of the large Carib population in Dominica.

The Brownies came from various schools such as Calliaqua Anglican, Belair Primary, Lowmans Leeward Primary, Kingstown Preparatory Primary and C.W.Prescod Primary.

The highlight of the camp was a visit to the Carib Reserve Model Village which was an enjoyable as well as educational excursion. Other outings included visits to Fort Shirley, Emerald Pool, Trafalgar Falls and numerous hot springs.

The Brownies were accompanied by Camp Commandant and Brownie Commissioner, Jaqueline Soso-Vincent, Chief Commissioner, Althea Commissiong and Guiders, Jeanelle Lewis and Krystal Robertson.