Toastmasters host a successful speechathon
Loud applause must now go out to the members of the Achievers and Imperial Champions Toastmasters Clubs, after the staging of their Speech-a-thon last Sunday, 2nd August at the Paradise Inn Hotel. The atmosphere was rife with excitement as members of the two Clubs dished out speeches of varying themes.{{more}}
According to a spokesperson for the Toastmasters Clubs, the activity was conceptualized as a fundraiser to help to ensure that local representative, Anika Stapleton, participates in this monthâs International Speech Contest. Toastmaster Anika was the champion speaker who recently won the local leg of the International Speech Contest. She went on to win the regional leg of this contest in Jamaica in May of this year; and will move on to represent St. Vincent and the Grenadines and the entire Caribbean in the Toastmasters International Worldwide International Speech Contest later this month in Connecticut, U.S.A. Other proceeds from this event are slated to assist other Toastmasters to attend Conferences and Contests outside of St. Vincent and the Grenadines.
The two âToastmasters of the Dayâ brought a special atmosphere to the proceedings. Co-Toastmaster of the Day, Wendie Wilson, called the event to order and after the Anthem was sung and the invocation said, Co-Toastmaster of the Day, Gloria Williams outlined the work of the Toastmasters organization in St. Vincent and the Grenadines, and explained the rules that would apply for the activity.
The evening proved to be very successful. There was a total of ten speeches delivered in two segments, ranging from motivational to comedy; from factual speeches to fictional ones. Throughout all of these, the speakers showed a range of communication techniques which they had learnt as Toastmasters.
Both âToastmasters of the Dayâ worked the audience and created a smooth flow that had them eating out of their hands. During the Tabletopics or impromptu segment, members of the audience took part as auctioneers to sell a hammock which was hand woven by the Amerindians in the jungle of Guyana. This allowed persons to get a glimpse of what it takes to speak effectively in public. To maintain the pleasant atmosphere, a gift of a cell phone compliments LIME, was given as a door prize, and cell phone cards compliments Digicel were given to persons who answered questions about Toastmasters International and the Toastmasters Clubs here.
According to CoToastmaster of the Day, Gloria Williams, â…the evening was a celebration of the achievements of Toastmasters, both as clubs and as individuals.â Among the speakers were champion speaker, Anika Stapleton, and Rhondel Dickson who represented S.V.G. at the regional Humorous Speech Contest in Trinidad and Tobago last year and placed third. It also proved to be a golden opportunity for persons to see Toastmasters at different levels of the Competent Communication Certificate.
Each speaker was presented with a certificate of participation by President of Achievers Toastmasters Club, Francesca Burnham-Onu. A prize was also presented to the member of the audience who won the table topics segment. A wine and cheese cocktail followed. Members of the audience expressed their delight at being at the function. One lady even said that the event âfar surpassedâ her expectations. She said that she knew that âToastmasters usually performed to excellent standards, but what I experienced was beyond my wildest dreams.â The Toastmasters Clubs of S.V.G. are planning on making this an annual event.