July 24, 2009

Marriaqua Learning Resource Centre opens

The overcast skies and intermittent showers did not dampen the spirits of residents of Evesham and surrounding areas as the community received the first of a number of promises, with the official opening of the Marriaqua Learning Resource Centre this week.{{more}}

The centre, built at a cost of EC$1.2 million, is the 12th such structure constructed throughout St. Vincent and the Grenadines; the ninth with assistance from the Government of Taiwan.

The building will be the venue for a number of community based activities, including adult education programs and other workshops.

Area representative and Minister of Education Girlyn Miguel, addressing the gathering, called on the community to make the most of and take special of the facility, while indicating that a long awaited clinic is soon to be constructed in the area.

Miguel used the opportunity to make a special presentation to Prime Minister Dr. Ralph Gonsalves, who was at the opening, for his assistance given to community members Mr. and Mrs. Davis, who were shot during a recent robbery.

She also made a presentation to members of the newly formed Evesham Development Organization (EDO), who officially launched their group last Sunday at the centre.

Elfreda Dowers, a long-standing member of the community, who had been involved in the education process in the area, cut the ceremonial ribbon to declare the centre open.(JJ)