July 3, 2009

C-HLP Club of SVG elects new executive

The Caribbean Healthy Lifestyle Project of St.Vincent & the Grenadines (C-HLP Club SVG) now has a new executive.

At the club’s Annual General Meeting on the 23rd June 2009 at the Youth Affairs Department Conference Room, a new executive was elected to run the affairs of the organization for the period 2009 – 2010.{{more}}

The New Executive is as follows: President, Shenica Haynes; Vice President Education, Asfo Stephens; Vice President Membership, Fluerisia Horne; Secretary, Sharlene Wyllie; Treasurer, Shanique Slater; P. R. O., Shavsha Speedwell; Event Co-ordinator, Zendini Bibby.

The Caribbean Healthy Lifestyle Project (CHLP) is a Non-profit Organisation consisting of Youth Between the ages of 12 – 25 yrs. The club has as its motto: “Your Life, Your Health – Make it right”, which provides the foundation for their activities which are targeted towards the influencing of Healthy Interaction, Participation and Development of the Youth.

The Caribbean Healthy Lifestyle Project combines sport and personal development to encourage healthy lifestyle choices among youth. It is a “For Youth by Youth” initiative which involves youth in the planning and delivery of their wellness education program.