Bridal Exposition  a success – WOW
June 12, 2009

Bridal Exposition a success – WOW

After months of intensive preparation, WOW Creations managed to successfully stage St. Vincent and the Grenadines’ first bridal show on Sunday, June 7th, at Grenadine House.{{more}}

The brainchild of Anica Maynard, the exposition aimed to showcase the latest trends, provide wedding day advice and promote the expertise of those involved in all aspects of the wedding industry, including wedding planners and decorators, photographers, caterers, travel agents and many more.

The highlights of the day were undoubtedly the renewal of wedding vows by a couple celebrating their tenth anniversary, and a wedding dress (designed by Radee Mayers) displayed in the National AIDS Secretariat/ SVG Planned Parenthood Association stall, which was made primarily of 4,765 expired condoms.

The intimate setting of Grenadine House complemented the relaxed mood of the bridal show, and patrons appeared to be quite interested in the vendors on display. They included: Kamara Alleyne photography, Oasis Spa and Wellness Centre, Anna’s Cakes and Catering services, Y de Lima Ltd, SVG Broadcasting Corporation, Going Places Travel, Floranium Services, VSP Bridal and Fashion Paradise, Gonsalves Liquors, Aeropost Network, Demure by J’s Mineral Makeup, and the National AIDS Secretariat/ SVG Planned Parenthood Association.

Maynard, the founder of WOW Creations, was visibly thrilled at the event’s outcome, as she had been a bit anxious about it at first. Despite a few “technical” difficulties, she was of the opinion that the bridal show went well. “I consider it a success!” she enthused.

So pleased is Maynard with the show’s success that plans are already in place to host another bridal show in 2010. Next time, she is hoping to get more vendors involved and attract a larger crowd.

Maynard also expressed a deep gratitude to her sponsors and all those who contributed to the planning and execution of the event. Sponsors included: the SVG Tourism Authority, Going Places Travel, The News newspaper, Y de Lima Ltd, Demure by J’s Mineral Makeup, SVG TV, Ezee Radio and Right Stuff. (JSV)