Ashini Best can’t stop smiling after results
June 12, 2009

Ashini Best can’t stop smiling after results

Ashini Best only felt a little hurt upon hearing of her third place finish in the 2009 Common Entrance Examinations (CEE). The source of the pain – too much smiling.{{more}}

“When I first got the results, I just couldn’t stop smiling. My cheeks were hurting so bad, but I just couldn’t stop smiling,” she chuckled. Wearing that same cheek-hurting smile, the 11-year-old Sugar Mill Academy pupil spoke to Searchlight about the examinations. Best admitted that she was a bit nervous before the exams, but relaxed after she realized it was just like many of the tests she had done previously in school. Best scored 95.3 per cent for English, 96.67 per cent in Math and 90 per cent in General Paper. She placed second for girls.

Her parents, Josette Best, stepfather Elliot McDowall, father Alistair Baisden and grandmother Jenny Best all supported her she said, giving her words of encouragement and helping her through the difficult times she encountered while preparing for the examinations. And they are all proud of Ashini’s accomplishments: “My mother was excited and happy, so were my father and stepfather.”

The budding novelist, who did not give up any of her favorite activities to prepare for the exams, said that she just studied more with the help of her family, teachers and her grade six classmates, who she says are very good and supportive friends of hers.

Best was one of the three grade six pupils entered for the exam by Sugar Mill Academy, and according to Principal Liz Cordice and the Grade Six teacher Hazel Ramnauth, they all did remarkably well. “I think we have done exceedingly well,” Ramnauth said. Ramnauth added that she expected the pupils to do well as they always scored averages in the nineties at school. The other two pupils, both passed, with one of them, Adam Ballantyne, placing 11th overall.

Now that the CEE is over, Ashini is relieved and excited to have more time to herself. “I feel free!” she beamed. She is hoping to spend the summer relaxing with friends and family before attending the school of her choice, the St. Joseph’s Convent Kingstown, in September. (OS)