Thomas elected to lead Soroptimist Executive
Soroptimist International of St. Vincent and the Grenadines held its 21st Annual General Meeting on Saturday, 19th April, 2008, under the theme: BE BOLD, THINK BIG, MAKE A DIFFERENCE. This is the theme chosen by Federation President Marguerite Woodstock-Riley for her year of office and all clubs in the Federation of Great Britain and Ireland carry out activities for the year using this theme as focus.{{more}}
Reports at the meeting were presented by President – Dr. Shirley Robertson, Treasurer -. Kathryn Cyrus, Programme Action Officer Norma Knights and Councillor to Federation Executive – Annelle Thomas. Patron Lady Gloria Antrobus also gave a short address.
Officers elected for the year 2008-2009 were: President AnnelleThomas; President Elect Shirla Little; Vice President Christine DaSilva; Treasurer Kathryn Cyrus; Programme Action Officer Norma Knights; Immediate Past President Dr. Shirley Robertson.
Committee members are Joyce Haynes, Zeitha Hadaway, Nina Maloney, Nicola Williams, Hazel Roberts and Nelcia Primus.
The two delegates to the Caribbean Network are Zeitha Hadaway and Nelcia Primus, who were re-elected to serve for another year.
Following the business section of the meeting, the members and friends heard an inspiring and interesting address from Guest Speaker Sonya Young, Chief Magistrate of St. Vincent and the Grenadines. She incorporated the theme âBe Bold, Think Big, Make a Differenceâ in her address by using the analogy of children who have big dreams as they pronounce what they are going to be in a confident and assertive manner, while we as adults are sometimes hesitant and not as positive in our thinking.
The first Executive meeting of the club was held on Tuesday, 6th May, 2008, at which two further elections were made. Nelcia Primus was elected to the post of Secretary and Nicola Williams Public Relations Officer. This is in keeping with the Constitution of Soroptimist International (SI).
The plan of activities for the year was one of the main areas of discussion at this meeting and a tentative programme was drawn up for approval by the general body at the meeting on Tuesday, 13th May. Projects and activities of SI are under the six Programme Focus Areas of: Education, Environment, Economic and Social Development, Health, Human Rights and the status of women and children, International Goodwill and Understanding.