Two mothers get New Year’s Day gifts
January 4, 2008

Two mothers get New Year’s Day gifts

Khadisha Compton’s bouncing, bubbly baby boy has started life on a high note. He is the first born baby for 2008.

At 12:55 a.m. Compton’s son rose to immediate stardom when he led the pack at the Milton Cato Memorial Hospital. Her young son was born a healthy 9 pounds and eight ounces. {{more}}

The 23-year-old Bequia resident and freelance writer told SEARCHLIGHT that she was very elated that her son was the first born, but more happy that she delivered a healthy child.

The first time mom said that she wasn’t planning on having her first child before age 30, and had made that her New Year resolution last year, but as faith would have it, things did not go that way, hence her decision not to make any resolution for this year.

The visibly proud Compton said that she hasn’t decided on any names for her son just yet.

Not to be outdone by Compton’s baby, Ophelia Myall’s daughter came in second at 6:09 a.m.

Her little bundle of joy was born a healthy 7 pounds and nine ounces, making her the second baby at the hospital for the New Year.

Looking as if she just stepped out of a beauty salon, the second time mother and Staff Nurse at the Hospital said that she wanted her baby to be born in December, but still gave God thanks for delivering her baby in January. The proud mother said that she wanted a girl but would still have been thankful if it was a boy.

Like Compton, Myall is still deciding on a name for her daughter.