December 14, 2007

Club Calabash to host Karaoke finals


Club Calabash comes alive this Sunday night when the finals of the Annual Inter-house Karaoke competition 2007 will be staged at 8 p.m.{{more}}

Ten persons gained the judges nod to move into the finals, they are: Rohan “Cowboy McIntosh” Morgan of the Calliaqua Karaoke Groovers, Belinda Lawrence of Aggies, Andre` Tash of Sea Block, Abby Legair of Dale Fast Food and Grill, Jacqueline “Jackie” Adams, Rockwell “Rockie” Kydd of Westside, Marvo Morgan of Octagon, Bernard Mason

of Ranch, Genielle Hamilton of Cheryl’s Karaoke Houses and last year’s winner Josette Cupid of Naja Karaoke House.

Donnette Samuel of Cheryl’s and Maria Kirby of Club Calabash have been named as reserves.

The ten contestants will perform two songs, one of their choice and a selected song.