October 19, 2007

Sir Louis on official trip to Cuba

Minister of Foreign Affairs, Sir Louis Straker, will lead a delegation to Cuba next week to attend a meeting of the sixth session of the Cuba-St. Vincent Joint Commission.{{more}} The Cuba-St. Vincent and the Grenadines Joint Commission was established to facilitate dialogue on various areas of cooperation and to deepen relations between the two countries.

Discussions with Cuban Government representatives will centre on several sectors, including construction, agriculture, health and several trade issues.

The construction of an international airport at Argyle and a Diagnostic Centre to be located at Georgetown are among the major areas of assistance that St. Vincent and the Grenadines is currently receiving from Cuba.

Next week’s meeting runs from October 23rd to 25th, and will also be attended by Health Minister Hon. Douglas Slater and a number of Government officials.

While in Cuba, Minister Straker will hold talks with the Cuban Foreign Minister, Mr. Felipe Pérez Roque.

Ministers Straker and Slater will also attend a function in Cuba next Wednesday to mark this country’s 28th anniversary of independence, hosted by SVG’s Ambassador to Cuba, His Excellency Dexter Rose.