Prisons receives computer
September 28, 2007

Prisons receives computer

A revolution is continuing behind the walls of Her Majesty’s Prisons, and the authorities are not only aware of it, but are doing all in their power to encourage it.{{more}}

And the revolution – Education that is, on Monday got an added boost with the donation of a new computer from the Adult and Continuing Education, as part of the Literacy Crusade.

Monday’s presentation was made by Director of the Adult and Continuing Education Unit Hugh Wyllie, to Chief Prison Officer Bryan Adams.

According to Adams, the computer will play a vital role in continuing the education process in the prisons.

It will be used initially in the administration of the institution’s adult literacy programme.

Although there are a few computers available for use by the prisoners, Adams lamented that these are outdated, and he is seeking assistance to have them upgraded.

He thanked Wyllie for the gift, and said he was a man highly passionate towards his work in adult education, especially in the prisons.

Wyllie remarked that the computer, which was one of fifty donated to the Ministry of Education by the Government of Turkey, was a testament of his unit’s commitment to continuing education in the prisons.

The prison’s continuing education programme is presently being conducted by prison personnel, but Wyllie stated that beginning in 2008, the programme will be conducted by his unit.

About fifty prisoners are involved in the continuing education programme at three levels, and the authorities are hoping that the newly donated computer will spark more interest among prisoners.