Leo Club donates to Paediatric Ward
September 28, 2007

Leo Club donates to Paediatric Ward

On Sunday, September 23, 2007, members of the Leo Club of St. Vincent visited the Paediatric Ward of the Milton Cato Memorial Hospital.{{more}}

The object of this project was to make a donation of books, toys and snacks to the ward, as well as to interact with the 16 children currently under the watchful eye of the nurses.

The Leos read stories to the children and distributed activity books for them to make use of during their stay at the hospital and at home afterward. The storybooks, however, are now part of a mini-library to ensure that on future visits other organisations can read to the kids, too, or take the initiative to add to the library.

Sister Da Silva, one of the two nurses who was on shift at the time of our visit, informed the members of the Leo Club that the items donated will be put to very good use.