September 14, 2007

Vinsave partners with Mustique Company

Thirteen students commenced training as Baby Sitters on Monday 10th September 2007 at the Vinsave Child Development Centre. Six of these students were sponsored by the Mustique Company and will cover two weeks of intensive work, while the others will complete in December 2007.

The Opening Ceremony was addressed by Lavina Gunn, Human Resource Manager of the Mustique Company who encouraged the young women to take a positive attitude in their work, and reminded them that Mustique is a popular tourist destination which a number of families and their children visit.{{more}} She encouraged participants to talk to parents about their expectations for their children, particularly in the area of discipline. She also requested that Vinsave present a Register of Baby Sitters from which she can draw to fulfill the needs of Mustique.

Also addressing the ceremony was Janice Fraser, Director of Vinsave, who emphasized the importance of training to work with young children and stated that Vinsave has been getting many requests for trained baby Sitters to work in homes.