August 31, 2007

WINFA offering aid to farmers affected by Hurricane Dean

WINFA continues to give priority to its efforts to ensure that farmers affected by the ravages of Hurricane Dean are assisted to rebuild their lives, regain productive livelihoods and continue with their production efforts, both to bring more foreign exchange to the islands and to guarantee our food security.{{more}}

WINFA’s Chief Executive Officer, Renwick Rose, has just returned from visits to the islands most affected, St. Lucia and Dominica. Apart from visits to the areas hardest hit, Rose met with leaders of the National Fairtrade Organizations in both countries to discuss recovery plans. In Dominica, Rose, along with WINFA President Marcella Harris and Mitchell Roberts, Chairman of the Dominica National Fairtrade Organization, met with the Prime Minister of Dominica, Hon. Roosevelt Skerritt, and Minister of Agriculture Dr. Colin McIntyre. They were assured of the full support of the Government of Dominica for the recovery efforts.

Currently, at WINFA’s request, a member of OXFAM’s Humanitarian Department, Susanna Raffalli, is in St. Vincent assisting WINFA in drawing up proposals to assist Fair Trade farmers and non-banana WINFA members. The programme is expected to focus on assisting farmers during the recovery period, ensuring that in the banana replanting Fairtrade criteria are observed strictly, and diversifying the production base to reduce risks and boost food security.

Raffalli, who is presently on a visit to St. Lucia, will visit Dominica from September 2nd to September 7th.