Vincentians texting to Digicel scholarship fund
August 24, 2007

Vincentians texting to Digicel scholarship fund

Digicel, the fast growing mobile telecommunications provider in the Caribbean will help several needy students get a good education through their scholarship fund.{{more}}

For several weeks, Digicel has been urging persons to text “SCHOOL” at 5566 and 10 cents from their 50 cents charge text will go towards the scholarship fund which Digicel will then match.

A concert with the 2007 Digicel Rising Star finalists was recently held at Heritage Square to raise awareness about the charity effort and already many Vincentians have been giving generously.

Working alongside Digicel to ensure that those students in need get the assistance is Development Consultant Andrew Simmons, who appealed to the public to continue to make a difference in the lives of children.

Simmons said that a good education was one of the surest ways of a better life and he praised Digicel for taking up the scholarship fund initiative and wished the telecommunications company continued success.

The draw for the text “SCHOOL” to 5566 programme, comes off on Monday, August 27.