Striders award scholarships to two students
August 24, 2007

Striders award scholarships to two students

The Striders Cultural and Social Club has once again contributed to their community.

Last week Thursday, the club awarded scholarships to two students of the Brighton Methodist School at a ceremony on the school grounds.{{more}}

Pedrique Pompey of Stubbs and Ronella Simmons of Diamond were awarded one-year scholarships of $1000 each to assist with their secondary education. Pedrique Pompey, who placed first in his class for the Common Entrance Examinations, excelling particularly in Maths, stated that he hopes to become an Engineer. He will be attending the St. Vincent Grammar School. Ronella Simmons who received the scholarship for socioeconomic reasons has ambitions of becoming a doctor. She will attend the St. Joseph’s Convent Marriaqua. Ronella also expressed thanks to the Striders stating “I will make my parents, past teachers and the Strider club proud.”

In a short address to the recipients, local Co-ordinator for The Striders, Patricia Caruth, urged the students to work hard and begin to concentrate on their career goals. She also added that the students must not let their family situation or economic struggles prevent them from achieving.

The club, which was first formed on March 28th 1967, has contributed tremendously to the Brighton community. Maxine Simmons, mother of Ronella Simmons stated that the striders group has been very helpful to students. “ It’s a source of encouragement to the kids to know that someone is looking out for them other than their teachers.” She stated.

The Striders started the scholarship program in 1995. At that time they awarded students who excelled in Common Entrance Examinations. They have since included a scholarship award to assist persons with economic hardships.

The Striders also contribute to the School’s library and Home Economics Centre and help the shut-in and needy within the community.(OS)