Rotaracters entertain the elderly
August 24, 2007

Rotaracters entertain the elderly

The Rotaract Club of Kingstown brought sunshine to the lives of Residents of the Riverview Medical Centre recently.

On Sunday, August 19, members of that Organization held “Entertaining the Elderly,” their first Community Service project for the Rotaract year 2007-2008.{{more}}

The residents of the home located at Arnos Vale were entertained in song and dance and other forms with Rotaractors Silicia Lynch making a dance performance, Ciji Haynes singing a medley of songs and Zephora Huggins and Zhinga Greaves reading poetry.

The residents of the Riverside Medical Center turned the tables on the Rotaract Club entertaining them with stories from long ago and their life stories.

The Rotary Club of St. Vincent also contributed to making the event even more special with International Performer Rotarian Richard Herman making use of his Broadway experience and signing “Climb Every Mountain”, “Perhaps Love” and an Italian Piece “Conengrato” which the retired entertainer skillfully accompanied with piano music.

Rotarian Joe Sheridan brought smiles to the faces of the residents with his lighthearted renditions of songs like “Jack and Jill” and “Mary had a Little Lamb” which he accompanied with guitar music.

The Rotaract Club of Kingstown plans to visit the Riverview Medical Center again later this year as part of its plans for the Rotaract year 2007-2008.