August 17, 2007

Three guns, bullets found

There are now three fewer guns and 36 fewer bullets in the hands of criminals.{{more}}

Acting on intelligence, a police team raided an abandoned house at Rillan Hills last Wednesday August 15th, at around 8am, and found the weapons.

Assistant Commissioner of Police Ekron Lockhart confirmed that police found a Winchester rifle, a .22 rifle and a shot gun along with five 537 magnum, fifteen .38, and eleven .22 bullets. Also included in the haul were five 12-gauge cartridges.

“Our intelligence is working well,” said ACP Lockhart.

He said that the discovery of the guns and ammunition is a confirmation of what the police know, that is: criminals are now paying more attention to hiding their weapons, only retrieving them when they are needed.

In an interview with SEARCHLIGHT, which appeared in last week’s edition (August, 10th) Commissioner of Police Keith Miller said “Sharper intelligence gathering skills is the way forward, and we (the police) are ready to face the challenges.”

He also noted, “”Long ago people used to hide things under their beds, in the bottom of suitcases, barrels, in their ceilings and so on, but not again, they are becoming more sophisticated.”(KJ)